EB - Indonesian Literatures

Just found out that Encyclopedia Britannica has many articles online for free regarding texts / literatures. Just started trying to see what the quality of the articles are. Not that impressed based on very small samples.


Below is the link to the one on "Indonesian Literatures":



It named some names in modern Indonesian literatures, captured below:

- Muhammad Yamin (poet, 1920's)

- Abdul Muis (novel, 1920's/30's)

- Chairil Anwar (d. 1949 at age of 27, poet)

- Pramoedya Ananta Toer (post 1945, novel, first one Perburuan "The Fugitive"; has his own article, see below)



Pramoedya Ananta Toer (1925-2006):

- Perburuan (1950, novel, "The Fugitive")

- Keluarga gerilja (novel, 1950, “Guerrilla Family”)

Mereka jang dilumpuhkan (novel, 1951, “The Paralyzed”)

- Subuh (short stories collection, 1950, “Dawn”)

- Pertjikan revolusi (short stories collection, 1950, “Sparks of Revolution”) 

- Tjerita dari Blora (short stories collection, 1952, “Tales of Bora”)

- Tjerita dari Djakarta (short stories collection, 1957, “Tales of Jakarta”)

- (essays sympathizing Communism)

- Bumi manusia (historical novel, 1980, "This Earth of Mankind")

- Anak semua bangsa (historical novel,1980, "Child of All Nations")

Jejak langkah (historical novel, 1985, "Footsteps")

- Rumah kaca (historical novel, 1988, "House of Glass")

- Nyanyi sunyi seorang bisu (autobiography, 1995, "The Mute’s Soliloquy")

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