Here is a draft of the list of 36 texts - based on the structural considerations I gave in the prior blog post.
Japan (4):
-- Buddhist philosophy: Kukai's Jujushinron 十住心論, Shinran's Kyogyoshinsho 教行信証
-- Literature: Murasaki Shikibu's Tale of Genji 源氏物語, works (mostly haiku) of Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉
Korea (2): Wonhyo's 元曉 Commentaries on the Awakening of Faith (Buddhist) 大乘起信論疏記, Yi Hwang's (a.k.a. Toe Gye) 李退溪 Seonghaksipdo 聖學十圖 (Confucianist)
Tibetan (1): Tsong Kha Ba's Lam Rim Chen Mo (Buddhist) 菩提道次第廣論
China - Buddhist (3): - selected from Taisho
-- Histories: Records of the Western Regions 大唐西域記 dictated by Xuanzhuang 玄奘; Jing De Chuan Deng Lu 景德傳燈錄 compiled by Daoyuan 道原
-- Zhiyi's 智顗 Fa Hua Xuan Yi 法華玄義
China - Daoist (6): - selected from Dao Zang
-- Classics: Wang Bi's 王弼 Works (includes Commentaries on Lao Zi 老子注, and Commentaries on Zhou Yi 周易注, the latter belonging to the Classics category of Confucianism)
-- Histories: Tao Hongjing's 陶弘景 Zhen Gao 真誥, Han Tian Shi Shi Jia 漢天師世家
-- Philosophies: Zhuang Zi Zhu Shu 莊子注疏 commentaries by Guo Xiang 郭象 and Cheng Xuanying 成玄英; Ge Hong's 葛洪 Bao Pu Zi 抱朴子内外篇
-- Chong Yang Quan Zhen Ji 重陽全真集
China - Confucian / General: - selected from Si Ku (following Si Ku's own classification, will require re-organization of texts by categories in the Canonical Text list)
Classics (3): Mao Shi Zheng Yi 毛詩正義; Dong Zhongshu's 董仲舒 Chun Qiu Fan Lu 春秋繁露; Zhu Xi's 朱熹Commentaries on the Four Books 四書章句集注
Histories (4): Sima Qian's 司馬遷 Shi Ji 史記, Du You's 杜佑Tong Dian 通典, Sima Guang's 司馬光 Zi Zhi Tong Jian 資治通鋻, Huang Zongxi's 黃宗羲 Ming Ru Xue An 明儒學案
Philosophies (6): Mo Zi 墨子, Xun Zi 荀子, Han Fei Zi 韓非子, Shi Shuo Xin Yu 世説新語, Shao Yong's 邵雍Huang Ji Jing Shi 皇極經世, Gu Yan Wu's 顧炎武 Ri Zhi Lu 日知錄.
Literature (4): Wen Xuan Zhu 文選注; Tang Shi Pin Hui 唐詩品匯, Su Shi's 蘇軾 Works; Hua An Ci Xuan 花庵詞選
Chinese Literature - ex-Si Ku (3): Wang Shifu's 王實甫 Xi Xiang Ji 西廂記; Shui Hu Zhuan 水滸傳; Shi Tou Ji 石頭記
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