- 06/14/2024 - Arabic vocabulary in Spanish
- 06/13/2024 - Indo-European Cognate Words
- 04/13/2024 - 20th c. Canon from Columbia Core Curriculum (Apr 2024)
- 04/13/2024 - Time 100 - 20th century
- 04/13/2024 - New List of 25 (April 2024)
- 05/23/2023 - Viola Repertoire Notes
- 02/11/2021 - Hamlet
- 07/20/2020 - Abbr. selections from SN14, 36, 54, 55
- 07/19/2020 - Abbr. selections from SN46-51
- 07/18/2020 - Abbr. selections from SN45
- 07/18/2020 - Abbr. selections from SN56
- 07/15/2020 - Abbr. selections from SN12
- 07/11/2020 - Abbr. selections from SN22
- 07/09/2020 - Abbr. selections from SN35
- 07/06/2020 - 雜阿含經 相應修多羅 32字綱要
- 07/06/2020 - Selections from Samyutta Nikaya
- 04/06/2020 - 妙法蓮華經 節本 (300字)
- 04/01/2020 - 智顗《觀心論》一句引文
- 02/25/2020 - 維摩詰所說經 節本 (350字)
- 02/25/2020 - 金剛般若波羅蜜經 150字抄
- 08/06/2019 - Abridged Common Core Gospel - August 2019
- 07/24/2019 - Common Core Gospel - July 2019 first published version
- 07/03/2019 - Grouping Shakespeare's Works
- 06/10/2019 - Plato's Dialogues - Charmides, Laches, Lysis, Meno
- 05/23/2019 - Most Influential Books in the Bible
- 05/18/2019 - Platonic Corpus - Grand Classification
- 05/17/2019 - Platonic Corpus - thoughts on Zuckert's reading
- 02/17/2019 - Lists of 5 and 10 Inspired by Religious Populations in 2010 According to PEW
- 03/15/2018 - String Repertoire - Schirmer catalog
- 03/14/2018 - Piano Repertoire based on Schirmer Catalog
- 03/11/2018 - Violin Repertoire as of mid-20th century - Based on Menuhin's and Heifetz's discographies
- 03/07/2018 - Small Chamber Orchestra Constitution
- 10/04/2017 - Readings in Q4-'17 (incomplete)
- 07/09/2017 - Readings Q3-'17
- 07/09/2017 - Readings Q2-'17
- 04/27/2017 - Classical / Romantic Composers
- 03/29/2017 - Readings Q1-'17
- 01/01/2017 - Readings in Q4-'16
- 11/12/2016 - Readings in Q3-'16
- 08/25/2016 - Old Lists on Amazon
- 07/23/2016 - Site about to celebrate 5 year anniversary
- 07/18/2016 - Readings in Q2-'16
- 07/18/2016 - Readings in Q1-'16
- 07/18/2016 - Interesting List of 10 Literature Works
- 12/31/2015 - Readings in Q4-'15
- 12/31/2015 - Progressive Lists of 6 -> 16 -> 28
- 12/24/2015 - Books to Read - Plan
- 12/24/2015 - Recommended Readings
- 12/23/2015 - List of 10
- 12/21/2015 - 中国古代文学名作36篇
- 11/29/2015 - List of 6 - again
- 11/26/2015 - 王维诗选36首
- 10/13/2015 - Readings in Q3-'15
- 10/13/2015 - 100 short works (poems, essays) in ancient Chinese literature
- 07/18/2015 - Readings in Q2-'15
- 07/05/2015 - Ibn Sina - recent bibliography
- 06/14/2015 - Bjorn Wittrock: The Age of trans-regional reorientations: cultural crystallization and transformation in the tenth to thirteenth centuries
- 05/27/2015 - The Cambridge World History Volume 7 - Table of Content
- 05/27/2015 - The Cambridge World History Volumes 4-6 - Table of Content
- 05/27/2015 - The Cambridge World History Volumes 1-3 - Table of Content
- 05/17/2015 - Diogenes Laertius: Book I, Prologue
- 05/02/2015 - List of 7x4
- 04/19/2015 - Readings in Q1-'15
- 04/06/2015 - Response to Cristina
- 03/29/2015 - List of 28 - Suggested Versions
- 02/21/2015 - List of 28 - Revised
- 01/12/2015 - 19th century (1800-1920)
- 01/07/2015 - List of 28
- 01/04/2015 - Articles / Chapters and Courses Taken in Q4-'14
- 12/17/2014 - List of 150 - Summary of Revisions Being Considered
- 09/18/2014 - Definitive (?) List of 18
- 09/15/2014 - Attempt at List of 10
- 09/05/2014 - Fifty Key Figures in Islam (Routledge)
- 07/19/2014 - Articles / Chapters Read and Classes Taken in Q3-'14
- 07/19/2014 - Articles / Chapters Read and Classes Taken in Q2-'14
- 07/12/2014 - Greco-Roman Historiography
- 06/21/2014 - Bede
- 06/21/2014 - Response to Moshin
- 05/03/2014 - Rethinking Criteria - Shorter Western List
- 05/02/2014 - Rethinking Criteria - Shorter CWANA "Reading" List
- 05/02/2014 - Rethinking Criteria - Shorter "South Asian" Reading List
- 05/01/2014 - Rethinking Criteria of List - Coming up with a short East Asian "Reading" List
- 04/27/2014 - List of 6
- 04/02/2014 - Response to Grace
- 03/01/2014 - Islamic Historical Writing, Eighth through the Tenth Centuries
- 02/23/2014 - Kingship, Time, and Space: Historiography in Southeast Asia
- 02/17/2014 - Indian Historical Writing, c.600-c.1400
- 02/15/2014 - List of 150 - what would change if end date extended to 1919?
- 02/14/2014 - Peter Watson's The Modern Mind: Index
- 02/14/2014 - Peter Watson's The Modern Mind Part One
- 02/05/2014 - Articles / Chapters Read and Classes Taken in Q1-'14
- 02/05/2014 - Books Read / Courses Taken in 2014
- 02/05/2014 - Literacy in the Persianate World: Introduction (3)
- 02/05/2014 - Literacy in the Persianate World: Introduction (2)
- 02/05/2014 - Literacy in the Persianate World: Introduction (1)
- 02/03/2014 - Some of my Forum comments on Education
- 01/25/2014 - Gerhard Casper on Humanities
- 01/23/2014 - Why Study Humanities?
- 01/13/2014 - Moyn's and Sartori's: Global Intellectual History
- 01/10/2014 - 2014 Reading Wish List
- 01/05/2014 - Attempt at a new "List of 25"
- 01/02/2014 - World Humanities / World Canonical Texts - Future Directions
- 01/01/2014 - Columbia's "World Humanities" Offerings (2)
- 01/01/2014 - Columbia's "World Humanities" Course Offerings (1)
- 12/31/2013 - Lists for building Undergrad World Humanities Curriculum
- 12/31/2013 - Columbia's Reading Lists
- 12/31/2013 - Preliminary Thoughts on "World Humanities" in Undergrad Curriculum (3)
- 12/31/2013 - Articles Read in Q4-2013
- 12/30/2013 - Preliminary Thoughts on "World Humanities" in Undergrad Curriculum (2)
- 12/30/2013 - Preliminary Thoughts on "World Humanities" in Undergrad Curriculum (1)
- 12/30/2013 - Humanities vs. Social Science - based on Harvard's Programs Analysis
- 12/30/2013 - Harvard's Social Science - Ph.D. Language Requirement
- 12/30/2013 - Harvard's Undergraduate Concentration Distribution
- 12/27/2013 - Harvard's Anthropology Department
- 12/27/2013 - South Asian Studies at top universities
- 12/26/2013 - Harvard's Humanities - Summary
- 12/26/2013 - Harvard's History Department
- 12/26/2013 - Thank you Jeremy
- 12/25/2013 - Harvard's Philosophy Department
- 12/25/2013 - Harvard's "Study of Religion"
- 12/24/2013 - Harvard's Linguistics Department
- 12/24/2013 - Harvard's Comparative Literature Department
- 12/24/2013 - Harvard's Area Studies - Summary
- 12/24/2013 - Harvard's South Asian Studies
- 12/24/2013 - Harvard's Slavic Languages and Literatures
- 12/23/2013 - Harvard's Romance Languages and Literatures
- 12/21/2013 - Harvard's Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations
- 12/21/2013 - Harvard's Inner Asian and Altaic Studies
- 12/21/2013 - Harvard's Germanic Languages and Literatures
- 12/21/2013 - Harvard's European Studies
- 12/21/2013 - Harvard's English Department
- 12/17/2013 - Harvard's East Asian Languages and Civilizations
- 12/16/2013 - Harvard's The Classics Department
- 12/16/2013 - Harvard's Celtic Languages and Literatures
- 12/08/2013 - Harvard's African and African American Studies
- 12/07/2013 - World Canonical Texts and Area Studies
- 12/05/2013 - Students Selectivity and National Lists
- 12/01/2013 - ARWU Rankings 2013
- 12/01/2013 - QS Rankings 2013
- 11/29/2013 - THE Rankings 2013-2014: By School Analysis
- 11/29/2013 - THE Rankings 2013-2014: Social Sciences
- 11/28/2013 - THE Rankings 2013-2014: Physical Sciences
- 11/25/2013 - THE Rankings 2013-2014: Life Sciences
- 11/25/2013 - THE Rankings 2013-2014: Engineering and Technology
- 11/25/2013 - THE Rankings 2013-2014: Clinical, Pre-clinical and Health
- 11/25/2013 - THE Ranking 2013-2014: Arts & Humanities
- 11/10/2013 - A Study of World University Rankings
- 11/07/2013 - THE Rankings 2013-2014 (3): Reputation Survey
- 11/07/2013 - THE Rankings 2013-2014 (2): Citations
- 11/06/2013 - THE World Universities Rankings 2013-2014: Overall
- 11/06/2013 - Best universities in the world
- 11/06/2013 - Added "School" Tab
- 09/21/2013 - EB - Southeast Asian Literature
- 09/19/2013 - EB - Indonesian Literatures
- 08/05/2013 - Marx and Google
- 07/20/2013 - Encyclopedia of Literary Translation into English
- 07/20/2013 - Oxford Guide to Literature in English Translation: Analysis
- 07/20/2013 - Oxford Guide to Literature in English Translation: Table of Contents
- 07/09/2013 - Italian Literature - VSI
- 07/08/2013 - Articles Read in Q3-2013
- 07/08/2013 - Modern LatAm Spanish Literature
- 07/06/2013 - N-gram: German
- 07/06/2013 - Google N-gram Viewer - some Western comparisons
- 06/02/2013 - Chinese Literature - VSI - non-literature authors / works
- 06/02/2013 - Chinese Literature - VSI
- 06/01/2013 - German Literature - VSI - other intellectual stars
- 06/01/2013 - German Literature - VSI
- 05/26/2013 - Spanish American Literature - CHLAL Vol 3 - Merquior
- 05/26/2013 - Brazilian Literature - CHLAL - Merquior
- 05/20/2013 - Brazilian Literature - CHLAL3
- 05/18/2013 - Javanese Literature - Surakarta manuscripts
- 05/18/2013 - Javanese Literary Canon defined by Dutch Philologists
- 05/14/2013 - Added a page on Malay canonical texts
- 05/12/2013 - Javanese Literature - Pigeaud
- 05/12/2013 - Vietnamese Classics
- 05/01/2013 - Irwin - Index
- 05/01/2013 - Irwin - Chapter 4
- 04/28/2013 - Traditional Malay Literature: Most Canonical Authors / Works?
- 04/28/2013 - Traditional Malay Literature after ~1550AD: E. Page References in Braginsky
- 04/28/2013 - Traditional Malay Literature after ~1550AD: D. Historiographical Works
- 04/27/2013 - Traditional Malay Literature after ~1550AD: C. Key Authors
- 04/27/2013 - Traditional Malay Literature after ~1550AD: B. Key Works
- 04/26/2013 - Traditional Malay Literature after ~1550AD: A. Overview
- 04/21/2013 - al-Masudi
- 04/13/2013 - Articles Read in Q2-2013
- 04/06/2013 - Authors in Anatolia - 1071-1453
- 04/02/2013 - Classics - Oxford VSI
- 03/28/2013 - Cambridge History of Islam (4) - Urdu Literature
- 03/28/2013 - Cambridge History of Islam (3) - Turkish Literature
- 03/28/2013 - Cambridge History of Islam (2) - Persian Literature
- 03/28/2013 - Cambridge History of Islam (1) - Arabic Literature
- 03/25/2013 - Early Christian Literature
- 03/25/2013 - Islamic Historical Writing - Macmillan 2004
- 03/24/2013 - Irwin - Chapter 3
- 03/23/2013 - Ottoman Literature in the 17th-18th century
- 03/21/2013 - Articles Read in Q1-2013
- 03/21/2013 - Books Read in 2013
- 03/21/2013 - Thank you J Kaw
- 03/18/2013 - Persian Historiography - EIr (4)
- 03/15/2013 - Persian Historiography - EIr (3)
- 03/12/2013 - Persian Historiography - EIr (2)
- 03/05/2013 - Persian Historiography - EIr (1)
- 03/05/2013 - Classical Persian Literature - EIr (3)
- 03/04/2013 - Classical Persian Literature - EIr (2)
- 03/04/2013 - Classical Persian Literature - EIr (1)
- 03/03/2013 - Malay literature after 1550 - Preview
- 03/01/2013 - (St. James) Reference Guide to World Literature, 2 Volumes, Third Edition
- 02/27/2013 - Gogol's Key Works
- 02/27/2013 - Russian Literature
- 02/21/2013 - Old Javanese Literature
- 02/18/2013 - Malay Literature Before ~1550AD
- 02/13/2013 - Muhammad ibn 'Abd al-Wahhab
- 02/12/2013 - Religous Population Data
- 02/07/2013 - Kitab Celebi
- 01/13/2013 - How did Cold War rivalries affect European decolonization?
- 01/13/2013 - Outline the sources of and responses to imperial expansion around the world from 1860 to 1914.
- 01/13/2013 - How did the Qing, Ottoman, Mughal and Russian dynasties respond to nineteenth-century transformations?
- 01/12/2013 - How did the age of revolutions from 1750 to 1850 alter the relations between the parts of the world, from Asia to the Americas?
- 01/12/2013 - Identify the causes and consequences of the seventeenth century social and political changes from a global perspective.
- 01/12/2013 - How would you explain the causes and processes of European conquests of the Americas?
- 10/01/2012 - 《东坡书传》笔记
- 09/11/2012 - Colonial LatAm Spanish History / Literature
- 09/07/2012 - Added Personal Blog Items Under "Compiler" Tab
- 09/05/2012 - 牟宗三晚年美学中“分别说的美”
- 09/05/2012 - 從焦竑說起
- 09/05/2012 - 宋元學案-蘇氏蜀學略,學習筆記
- 09/05/2012 - Books Read in the past several years
- 08/27/2012 - English Literature - Chronological
- 08/25/2012 - English Literature - Alphabetical (6)
- 08/23/2012 - English Literature - Alphabetical (5)
- 08/20/2012 - English Literature - Alphabetical (4)
- 08/02/2012 - English Literature - Alphabetical (3)
- 08/01/2012 - French Literature - Cambridge History Table of Contents
- 08/01/2012 - Spanish Literature - Cambridge History Table of Contents
- 07/29/2012 - English Literature - Alphabetical (2)
- 07/29/2012 - English Literature - Alphabetical (1)
- 07/27/2012 - Spanish Literature - Chronological
- 07/17/2012 - Spanish Literature (5)
- 07/10/2012 - Spanish Literature (4)
- 07/04/2012 - Spanish Literature (3)
- 07/04/2012 - Spanish Literature (2)
- 07/01/2012 - Spanish Literature (1)
- 06/22/2012 - Added List of 100
- 06/16/2012 - Irwin - Chapter 1 and 2
- 06/11/2012 - Added List of 12
- 06/04/2012 - French Authors / Texts - Chronological
- 06/02/2012 - Date of Tangshi Pinhui
- 06/02/2012 - French Authors / Texts - Alphabetical
- 05/19/2012 - Added 2 Lists
- 04/25/2012 - Wm. Theodore de Bary's List
- 04/23/2012 - List of 100 - What would be left out?
- 04/15/2012 - Further site rearrangement
- 04/12/2012 - Date of Kaviraja
- 04/08/2012 - Site re-arrangement
- 04/01/2012 - Canonical Text List 150 - Analysis (3)
- 04/01/2012 - Canonical Text List 150 - Analysis (2)
- 04/01/2012 - Canonical Text List 150 - Analysis (1)
- 03/31/2012 - Update to South Asian Canonical Texts List
- 03/24/2012 - Western Canonical Texts - Added to Site
- 03/20/2012 - Ghalib Urdu Ghazal Site
- 03/13/2012 - Solovyov (2)
- 03/12/2012 - Solovyov
- 03/11/2012 - More on Western Sub-traditions
- 02/27/2012 - Numerology
- 02/26/2012 - Fukuzawa Yukichi's Bunmeiron no Gairyaku
- 01/31/2012 - A book on Arabic Literature
- 01/14/2012 - Western Sub-traditions
- 01/05/2012 - Western Canonical Texts - Draft List
- 01/01/2012 - Adler's Great Books Scheme - Analysis
- 12/30/2011 - Western Literature Works - Harold Bloom
- 12/30/2011 - Western Philosophy Works - Randall Collins
- 12/30/2011 - Western History Works - Daniel Woolf
- 12/29/2011 - Greco-Roman Canonical Texts
- 12/26/2011 - Greek Canonical Authors - Leob Classic Library
- 12/20/2011 - Latin Canonical Authors - Leob Classic Library
- 12/20/2011 - Added East Asian Canonical Texts; changed South Asian Canonical Texts
- 12/19/2011 - Responses to Guestbook Entry #1 by
- 12/11/2011 - New Cambridge History of Islam - Vol 3 - SE Asia
- 12/04/2011 - Image Update
- 12/03/2011 - East Asian Canonical Texts - Revisions
- 11/28/2011 - Added "Western" as a Blog Category
- 11/28/2011 - Christian Canonical Authors - Up to 3rd Century A.D.
- 11/28/2011 - Greek & Roman Canonical Authors - Literature
- 11/27/2011 - Greek & Roman Canonical Authors - Philosophies
- 11/27/2011 - Greek & Roman Canonical Authors - Histories
- 11/21/2011 - Date of Fa Hua Xuan Yi
- 11/21/2011 - East Asian Canonical Text -- Another Potential Changes
- 11/07/2011 - East Asian Canonical Text - Potential Change
- 11/06/2011 - East Asian Canonical Texts - Draft posted on pkucn for inputs
- 11/06/2011 - East Asian Canonical Texts - Draft
- 11/05/2011 - East Asian Canonical Texts - List Structure Thoughts
- 11/05/2011 - Chinese Canon - Qing "Classics" and "Philosophies"
- 11/04/2011 - Chinese Canon - "Literature" outside Si Ku catalogue
- 11/02/2011 - Chinese Canon - "Histories" written during Qing
- 11/02/2011 - China Canon - Based on Si Ku - Interim Summary
- 11/02/2011 - Chinese Canon - Based on Si Ku - "Literature"
- 10/28/2011 - Chinese Canon - Based on Si Ku - "Philosophies"
- 10/26/2011 - Chinese Canon - Based on Si Ku - "Histories"
- 10/25/2011 - Chinese Canon - Based on Si Ku - "Classics"
- 10/25/2011 - Japanese Canon - Another View
- 10/25/2011 - South Asian Canon Adjustment Made
- 10/19/2011 - South Asian Canon: Adjustment needed
- 10/18/2011 - Daoist Canon
- 10/16/2011 - Added "CWANA Canonical Texts"
- 10/09/2011 - Seyyed Hossein Nasr's History of Islamic Philosophy: Figures Featured in Tables of Content
- 10/09/2011 - Key Figures of Islamic Tradition, According to Marshall Hodgson (10)
- 10/09/2011 - Key Figures of Islamic Tradition, According to Marshall Hodgson (9)
- 10/09/2011 - Key Figures of Islamic Tradition, According to Marshall Hodgson (8)
- 10/09/2011 - Key Figures of Islamic Tradition, According to Marshall Hodgson (7)
- 10/09/2011 - Key Figures of Islamic Tradition, According to Marshall Hodgson (6)
- 10/09/2011 - Key Figures of Islamic Tradition, According to Marshall Hodgon (5)
- 10/09/2011 - Added Blog page for East Asian traditions
- 10/08/2011 - Selected Canonical Texts in the Japanese Tradition
- 10/05/2011 - Key Figures of Islamic Tradition, According to Marshall Hodgson (4)
- 10/02/2011 - Added "South Asian Canonical Texts"
- 10/01/2011 - Key Figures of Islamic Tradition, According to Marshall Hodsgon (3)
- 10/01/2011 - Key Figures of Islamic Tradition, According to Marshall Hodgson (2)
- 09/30/2011 - Languages in a world canon list
- 09/27/2011 - South Asian Canonical Texts (second draft)
- 09/25/2011 - South Asian Canonical Text - other concerns
- 09/25/2011 - Makers of the Muslim World Series
- 09/25/2011 - Ghalib's Urdu Works
- 09/25/2011 - Amir Khusrau's Works
- 09/25/2011 - Intro to Persian Literature (Levy, 1969)
- 09/25/2011 - Blog's page splitted up
- 09/25/2011 - History of Persian Literature - Series Plan
- 09/23/2011 - South Asian Canonical Texts - critique of first draft
- 09/11/2011 - South Asian Canonical Texts (1st draft)
- 09/10/2011 - New Cambridge History of Islam (Vol 4) - third (final) part
- 09/09/2011 - New Cambridge History of Islam (Vol 4) - second part
- 09/08/2011 - New Cambridge History of Islam (Vol 4) - first part
- 09/06/2011 - Zoroastrian Text
- 09/06/2011 - Double-Narrated Poetry
- 08/28/2011 - Important works by Islamic authors in South Asia (before 1900)
- 08/28/2011 - Web-based Book Catalogue Site
- 08/27/2011 - Indian Moderns (per Basham 1984)
- 08/27/2011 - Indian Canon - per Basham's (1984) Chronological Tables
- 08/27/2011 - UNESCO Collection of Representative Works
- 08/23/2011 - What is "balance"?
- 08/23/2011 - Khusro, Jaina and Maharashti Literature
- 08/21/2011 - Key Figures in Modern Indian Literature
- 08/21/2011 - Names of Significant Indian Authors from A.J.Khan's Urdu/Hindi: An Artificial Divide
- 08/20/2011 - Literature Chapters in A Cultural History of India (1984)
- 08/20/2011 - Works discussed in Rizvi's (1987) Appendix
- 08/20/2011 - Non-Sanskrit Literature Highlighted in Basham's (1954) Chapter IX
- 08/14/2011 - Clay Sanskrit Library
- 08/12/2011 - Early Indian Literary Languages Other Than Sanskrit
- 08/12/2011 - Sanskrit Works Discussed in Basham's The Wonder That Was India (Vol 1) Chapter IX: Language and Literature
- 08/12/2011 - Long Discusssions on World Canon and Jin Yong On LitNet Forum
- 08/04/2011 - Norton Anthology of World Literature - Second Shorter Edition - Table of Contents
- 08/04/2011 - Routledge Concise History of World Literature
- 07/31/2011 - Images of Authors in the Second Half of 20th Century I Admire
- 07/31/2011 - Added Images to Home Page
- 07/30/2011 - Key Figures of Islamic Tradition, According to Marshall Hodgson (1)
- 07/30/2011 - Does a WORLD canon make sense?
- 07/30/2011 - What is the measure of influence?
- 07/27/2011 - Top 10 Influential Books
- 07/26/2011 - Updated "Shorter Lists" Page
- 07/25/2011 - Very Useful Resource on Indian Philosophy
- 07/25/2011 - First Draft of Site Completed Today
- 07/21/2011 - History of the List of 36 World Canonical Texts