一百十五、Stephen Turner, "Cause, Teleology, and Method" Cambridge History of Science Volume 7 The Modern Social Sciences, 2003:57+
一百十六、H. Erdem Cipa and Emine Fetvaci. "Preface." Writing History at the Ottoman Court: Editing the Past, Fashioning the Future, 2013.
一百十七 -- 一百十八、Eraly, Abraham. "Preface," and "Chapter One: The Mughal Advent." The Last Spring: The Lives and Times of the Great Mughals, 1995. 此是作者准备写的印度“古代”(现代之前)史的四部曲的最后一部;成书最早。后来作者又写成了Gem in the Lotus: The Seeding of Ancient Indian Civilization (2004,从开始写到公元前三世纪)和The First Spring: The Golden Age of India (2011,大概涵盖500BCE到500CE)。此关于莫卧儿的一册,后来因为太长,又被分成两册出版(The Mughal Throne和The Mughal World)。我读的这章关于巴布尔,写的不错。以后有时间的话我有可能会尝试把此作者的全套印度史读一遍(也许最后完成的时候差不多4000页)。
一百十九 -- 一百二十一、Eric Hobsbawm. "Marx Today," "On the Communist Manifesto," and "The Fortunes of Marx's and Engels' Writings." How to Change the World: Reflections on Marx and Marxism (2011). 英国左派历史学家的关于马克思和马克思主义的晚年文集中的两篇文章。关于对马克思的“接受史”、《共产党宣言》和马恩作品文本流传情况,以史学家的细致娓娓道来。不过,他基本上仅限于西方,并没有掌握中国方面的情况。
一百二十二、Kant, Immanuel. "An Answer to the Question: "What is Enlightenment?""(1784)。是一个网路课程要看的文章,使用的是一个不知来历的网路版本。http://ebooks.gutenberg.us/WorldeBookLibrary.com/whatenli.htm
主张的是“free public use of reason”。似乎没有想到后来的“commissioned public use of reason”的影响会有多大。
一百二十三 -- 一百二十四、Hobsbawm, Eric. "Preface," and "Manifestos." Fractured Times: Culture and Society in the 20th Century (2013). 这位九十多岁的老左派历史学家,在临终前最后一本文集作品。主要是回顾他成长的时代的欧洲资产阶级文化,如何在二十世纪的世界巨变中寻找出路。
一百二十五 -- 一百二十七、Nicholson, Andrew J. "Introduction," "An Alternative History of Vedanta," and "Vijnanabhiksu's "Difference and Non-Difference" Vedanta." Unifying Hinduism: Philosophy and Identity in Indian Intellectual History (2010):1-67. 关于印度中世纪晚期哲学家Vijnanabhiksu的哲学立场和思想背景的考察。我原来已经下了决心不再读关于Vedanta哲学的书,但在图书馆找到了这本书,就读了三章。
一百二十八、“Indonesian Literatures." Encyclopedia Britannica.
http://www.britannica.com/EBchec ...
一百二十九、“Pramoedya Ananta Toer." Encyclopedia Britannica
http://www.britannica.com/EBchec ...
一百三十、“al-Ṭabarī.”Encyclopedia Britannica.
一百三十一、“Southeast Asian Arts: Literature”Encyclopedia Britannica.
http://www.britannica.com/EBchec ... the-region#toc29462
http://lawpark.jimdo.com/2013/09 ... t-asian-literature/
一百三十二、Patriarca, Giovanni. "A medieval approach to social sciences: the philosophy of Ibn Khaldun: some historical notes and actual reflections." [i]Journal of Markets & Morality 13.1 (2010):
关于Ibn Khaldun,好像大家都没有什么新鲜的可以说了。
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