Colonial LatAm Spanish History / Literature

I have just finished reading Colonial Latin American Literature: A Very Short Introduction. This book essentially just cover Spanish authors - no Portuguese as far as I can recall. It also covers many historical works (which I am interested in), especially for the first 100 years or so after Columbus. However, it does leave a gap between Latin American Baroque and the period towards Independence. This book is written in a style where an author / text is covered in continuous paragraphs / pages, making my listing work easy. (Being Spanish ignorant, I didn't include any diacritical signs below.)


Christopher Columbus (1451-1506: "Letter of Discovery" (1493)

Fray Ramon Pane (ca. 1475-98?): Relacion acerca de las antiguedades de los indios (Account of the Ancient Beliefs of the Indians, completed 1498, published 1571)

Martin Fernandez de Enciso: Suma de geografia (Geographical Summa, published 1519)

Hernan Cortes (1485-1547): Segunda carta de relacion (Second Letter of Relation, dispatched Oct 1520, published 1522); 2nd and 3rd letters (published in 1524 in Latin)

Pietro Martire d'Anghiera (ca. 1458-1526): De orbe novo decades (Decades of the New World, written between 1493-1525, Latin)

Hernan Perez de Oliva (1494?-1531): Historia de la invencion de las Indias (Account of the Discovery of the Indies, 1528), "Dialogo de la dignidad del hombre" (essay)

Gonzalo Fernandez de Oviedo (1478-1557): Historia general y natural de las Indias (Genereral [Universal and Natural History of the Indies, part 1 published in 1535, reprint 1547); De la historia natural (On natural history) a.k.a. Sumario (Compendium, 1526); Claribalte (a chivalric romance, 1519, "and embarassment")

Fray Francisco de Vitoria (ca. 1492-1546): Relectio de Indis (Dissertation on the Indies, or the Freedom of the Indians, 1538, Latin); De indis, sive de iure belli hispanorum in barbaros, relectio posterior (About the Indians, or the Spaniards' Right to Make War against Barbarians, 1539, Latin)

Juan Gines de Sepulveda (1490-1573): Democrates Alter, sive de justis belli causis apud indos (Second Democrates, or On the Just Causes of War against the Indians, ca. 1545, Latin); Apologia (1550, Latin)

Francisco Lopez de Gomara (1511-59): Historia general de las Indias y la conquista de Mexico (General History of the Indies and Conquest of Mexico, published 1552)

Alva Nunez Cabeza de Vaca (ca. 1485-92 - ca. 1559): Naufragios (Shipwrecks, or Calamities; initial N. American odyssey publisehd under title Relacion (Account) in 1542, later re-edited / augmented by his secretary's account of his S. American governorship, published in 1555 under the title Relacion y comentarios (Account and Commentaries)) 

Fray Bartolome de las Casas (1484-1566): Brevisima relacion de la destruccion de las Indias (Brief Account of the Destruction of the Indies, printed in 1552 for a limited audience, originally a report in 1542); Historia de las Indias (History of the Indies, completed around 1561, published in 20th c.); Apologetica historia sumaria (Summary Defense of the Indian Civilizations, completed around 1560 and first published partially in late 19th c.); De unico vocationis modo omnium gentium ad veram religionem (The Only Way to Attract All Peoples to the True Religion, ca. 1525, Latin); Tratado de las doce dudas (Treatise of the Twelve Doubts, 1564)

Girolamo Benzoni: Historia del Mondo Nuovo (History of the New World, 1565, Italian?

Fray Bernardino de Sahagun (with 4 Nahua collaborators): Florentine Codex (1580, in Nahuatl); [a work recalling 1524 meeting between first friars and Aztec elders, written in 1564]

Bernal Diaz del Castillo (ca. 1495-1584): Historia verdadera de la conquista de la Nueva Espana (True History of the Conquest of New Spain, written from 1550s to 1584, published in 1632)

Alonso de Ercilla (1533-94): La Araucana (The Araucaniad, epic poem published in three parts in 1569, 1578, 1589)

Jose de Acosta (1540-1600): Historia natural y moral de las Indias (Natural and Moral History of the Indies, published in 1590)

Diego Santisteban Osorio: Cuarta y quinta parte de la Araucana (parts 4 and 5 of La Araucana, published in 1598

Mateo Rosas de Oquendo (ca. 1559-1621): Satira hecha por Mateo Rosas de Oquendo a las cosas que pasan en el Piru ano de 1598 (A Satire Composed by Mateo Rosas de Oquendo about the Things that Happen in Peru, 1598

El Inca Garcilaso de la Vega (1539-1616): Comentarios reales de los Incas (Royal Commentaries of the Incas, part 1 published in 1609, part 2 in 1617; later known as Historia general del Peru (General History of Peru)); La Forida del Inca (published in1605), "Relacion de la descendencia de Garci Perez de Vargas" (completed in 1596 intended as prologue to La Florida but ultimately not included, published 1605)

Fray Juan de Torquemada: Monarquia Indiana (1615) 

Fernando de Alva Ixtlilxochitl (ca. 1578-1650): Historia de los senores chichimecas (History of the Chichimeca Lords, after 1615

Felipe Guaman Poma de Ayala (ca. 1535-ca. 1616): Nueva coronica y buen gobierno (New Chronicle and Good Government, completed 1616, first published in the 20th c.)

Bernardo de Balbuena (ca. 1562-1627): Grandeza Mexicana (Mexican Grandeur, 1604); Siglo de Oro de las selvas de Erifile (The Golden Age of Heriphile's  Forest Glens, 1608); El Bernardo o Victoria de Roncesvalles (The Bernardiad or Victory at Roncesvalles, epic poem of 1624

Juan Rodriguez Freile (1566-ca. 1640): Conquista i descubrimiento del Nuevo Reino de Granada (Conquest and Discovery of the New Kingdom of Granada, completed in 1638, circulated in manuscript until mid-19th c., also titled El Carnero (Dressed and Tanned Sheepskin)) 

Juan de Espinosa Medrano (1632-88): Apologetico en favor de don Luis de Gongora principe de los poetas lyricos de Espana (Apology in Favor of Don Luis de Gongora, Prince of the Lyric Poets of Spain, 1662)

Juan del Valle y Caviedes (1645-98): Diente del Parnaso (The Tooth, or "Bite", of Parnassus, completed ca. 1689, not published until 20th c., original title of poetry collection "Guerra Fisica, Ansanas de la Ygnorancia y Proesas Medicales" ("Physicans' War, Great Acts of Ignorance and Other Medical Feats"))

Carlos de Siguenza y Gongora (1645-1700): Infortunios de Alonso Ramirez (Misfortunes of Alonso Ramirez, 1690); Primavera Indiana (Springtime in the Indies, historical poem of 1662); Teatro de virtudes politicas que constituyen a un principe (Spectacle or Display of Civic Virtues that Constitute a Prince, 1680)

Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz (1648-95): "Respuesta a Sor Filotea" ("Reply to Sister Philothea", 1691, prose autobiographical defense of her right to study and learning, published in 1700); "Primero sueno" ("First Dream", published in 1692 in the 1st edition of volume 2 of her works); Inundacion castalida (1st edition of her works' first volume, includes sonnets, songs, theatrical works, 1689)

Giovanni Francesco Gemelli: Giro intorno al mondo (Tour around the World, 1699, Italian?)

Alonso Carrio de la Vandera (ca. 1715-83): El Lazarillo de ciegos caminantes (A Guide for Blind Travelers, 1776)

Francisco Javier Clavigero (1731-87): Historia antigua de Mexico (History of Ancient Mexico, translated to Italian as Storia antica di Messico, published 1781; original Spanish manuscript first published in 1945)

Fray Servando Teresa de Mier (1763-1827): Historia de la revolucion de la Nueva Espana (History of the Revolution of New Spain, 1813); also wrote series of public letters in 1797-1820; best remembered for sermon preached in 1794; Apologia (memoirs, 1818); "Nota Undecima de la Segunda Carta de un Americano" (The Eleventh Note of the Second Letter of an American, 1812)

Simon Bolivar: Carta de Jamaica (Letter from Jamaica, 1815)

Andres Bello (1781-1865): Gramatica de la lengua castellana destinada al uso de los americanos (1847); La Biblioteca Americana, o Miscelanea de literatura, artes i ciencias (The American Library, or Miscellany of Literature, the Arts, and Sciences, 1823), Repertorio Americano (American Repertory, 1826); "Alocucion a la poesia" (An Address to Poetry, 1823), "Oda a la agricultura de la zona torrida" (Ode to the Agriculture of the Torrid Zone, 1826)


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