Buenaventura Carles Aribau's (1798-1862) 'Ode to the Fatherland' (1833, poem)
Jacient Verdaguer's (1835-1902) Canigo (1885, epic poem)
Narcis Oller (1846-1930, realist novelist)
Angel Guimera's (1845-1924, dramatist) Lowlands (1897, play)
Joan Maragall (1880-1911, modernist poet)
Eugeni d'Ors's (1881-1954) La ben plantada (1911, novel)
Carme Riera
Pere Gimferrer (1945-, poet, switched from Castilian to Catalan)
Terenci Moix (1942-2003, novelist, switched from Catalan to Castilian)
Jaime Gil de Biedma (1929-90, poet, started in Castilian)
Manuel Vazquez Montalban (1939-2003, fiction and political writer, started in Castilian)
Juan Marse (1933-, novelist, started in Castilian)
Merce Rodoreda (1908-83, Catalan, novelist, expatriate)
Rosalia de Castro's (1837-85, Galician poet, also fiction writer in Castilian) Galician Songs (1863, book of poetry), En la orillas del Sar (1884, Castilian poetry)
Manuel Curros Enriquez's (1851-1908) Airs of My Land
Valentin Lamas de Carvajal's (1849-1906) Galician Longings
Eduardo Pondal's (1835-1917) Laments of the Pines (1886)
Alfredo Conde
Manuel Rivas
Suso de Toro
Gonzalo Torrente Ballester (1910-99, novelist, started in Castilian)
Sabino Arana (founder of Basque nationalism, 1880s and 1890s)
Bernardo Atxaga's (1951-) Obabakoak (1988, stories), The Lone Man (1993, novel), The Lone Woman (1996), The Accordionist's Son (2003)
Unai Elorriaga
Carmen Martin Gaite
Carlos Ruiz Zafon's (1964-, Catalan writing in Castilian, lived in LA since 1993) The Shadow of the Wind (2001)
Ildefonso Falcones's (1957-, Catalan writing in Castilian) Cathedral of the Sea (2006)
Juan Goytisolo's (1931-, Catalan novelist, wrote in Castilian, lived in Paris) Marks of Identity (1966), Count Julia (1970), Juan the Landless (1975, these 3 novels form a trilogy named Trilogy of Evil), preface to selected translations of Blanco White, The Virtues of the Solitary Bird (1988), Quarantine (1991), State of Siege (1995), Landscapes after the Battle (1985), The Exile from Here and There (2008)
Leon Hebreo's (c. 1465-1523) Love Dialogues (1501-2, in Italian)
Juan Luis Vives (1493-1540, wrote in Latin)
Jose Maria Blanco White's (1775-1841) Letters from Spain (1822, written in English), and autobiography The Life of Joseph Blanco White Written by Himself (posthumous, 1845)
Angel Saavedra, Duque de Rivas's (1791-1865) Don Alvaro or the Force of Destiny (1832, drama, in French, later as Verdi's opera)
Francisco Martinez de la Rosa's (1789-1862) Aben-Humeya (drama, first performance in Paris, 1830)
Rafael Alberti (1902-99, poet)
Rosa Chacel (1898-1994, novelist)
Francisco Ayala (1906-2009 novelist)
Jorge Semprun's (1923-, most writings in French) The Long Voyage (1963, French), Autobiography of Federico Sanchez (1977, novelized memoir, Spanish), Twenty Years and a Day (2003, Spanish, historical novel)
Fernando Arrabal (1932-, wrote in both Castilian and French)
Juana Salabert (1962-, novelist in France, writes in Spanish)
Cristina Peri Rossi (1941-, Uruguayan writer who stayed in Spain)
Alvaro Pombo's (1939-) Tales of Insubstantiality (1977, about London)
Ray Loriga's (1967-) The Man Who Invented Manhattan (2004, lived in New York in 2004)
Antonio Munoz Molina's (1956-) Manhattan Windows (2004)
Eduardo Lago's (1954-) Call Me Brooklyn
Felipe Alfau's (1902-99, novelist) Locos: A Comedy of Gestures (1928)
(up to p.41)
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