七十七、Ahmet Yasar Ocak,"Social, cultural and intellectual life, 1071-1453,"Cambridge History of Turkey Volume 1,2009: 353-422.
关于此文的帖子在:http://lawpark.jimdo.com/2013/04 ... anatolia-1071-1453/
原来在这个时代,一些重要的伊斯兰作者如Philosophy of Illumination的创始人al-Suhrawardi,最重要的苏菲派作者Ibn Arabi,以及Nasir al-Din Tusi都曾在Anatolia(今土耳其的亚洲部分)住过。(Rumi就不用说了,因为Rum就是指这个地方。)关于这个时期的最重要土耳其文诗人则有Yunus Emre,Asik
七十八、H. Beveridge (translator),"INTRODUCTION," The Akbarnama of Abu-l-Fazl, Volume I, 1897. Online version from:
七十九、F. Lehmann,"BĀBOR, ẒAHĪR-AL-DĪN MOḤAMMAD,"Encyclopedia Iranica, online edition, 1988/2011. http://www.iranicaonline.org/articles/babor-zahir-al-din
八十、Browne, E.G., "The Historians of the Il-Khani Period," A Literary History of Persian, Volume III: The Tartar Dominion (1265-1502), 1920: 62+
很明显的最看得起拉施特的《史集》;甚至对其传世的书信也作了不少介绍。对于《Ta'rikh-i Wassaf》比较能正视其在传统中的影响(“it is as important as it is unreadable."),并指出Wassaf也是拉施特圈子中人。关于Mustawfi,原来有Browne和
八十一、Browne, E.G., "Prose Writers of the Later Timurid Period," A Literary History of Persian, Volume III: The Tartar Dominion (1265-1502), 1920: 421+.http://persian.packhum.org/persian/main
提到后Timur时代的著作(尤其Nava'i)对奥托曼土耳其文文学的重大影响。对于Mirkhwand,则说"Mirkhwand has attracted a quite undue amount of attention."对于Mirkhwand大著的翻译,则说"These [translations], it must be admitted with regret, are of
no great value."提到除了Mirkhwand之外,他的外孙Khwandamir也是在Nawa'i的赞助下成名的。关于Jami,"I believe that the notion prevalent amongst Persian students in Europe that he is 'the last great classical poet of Persia'
arises ultimately from the fact that, directly or indirectly, they derive their ideas from Dawlatshah."
八十二-八十三、Romila Thapar,"Preface," and "Preliminaries," Sakuntala: Texts, Readings, Histories,1999/2011.
八十四-八十六、Tavli,"Preface," "Introduction," "History of the Old or Church Slavic Language and Literature," Historical View of the Languages and Literature of the Slavic
Nations; with a Sketch of Their Popular Poetry, 1850.
19世纪的;免费电子书;对斯拉夫语言和文学的介绍。有趣的地方有几点:1)俄罗斯文本出现很晚,在彼得大帝时代才开始;2)斯拉夫语翻译的《圣经》,翻译时间很长,在10世纪Cyril创制Cyrillic斯拉夫字母很久以后的十五世纪末完整的《圣经》才被翻译整理为定本;3)除了Cyrillic以外还有一种叫做Glagolitic的书写系统;4)Old Church
Slavonic初期主要是基督教和相关的宗教类作品,但到12世纪初年有一本重要的历史著作《Nestor's Annals》,此文本起码有53种手抄本留传。也读了关于俄罗斯文学的一章的开始部分,5)里面是把白俄罗斯语、乌克兰语等看做俄罗斯语的方言;6)波兰文学开始很早(但在古教会斯拉夫文之后),俄罗斯文学开始受到波兰文学影响不少。
九十、F.Abiola Irele,"Introduction: Perspectives on African Novels," The Cambridge Companion to African Novels, 2009:1-14
因为读到Linguasphere的关于主要语言使用者的列表,让我想起一个世界文化典籍表应该如何包括如非洲的各语言语族的文学传统。因为此书写的是小说,基本都是20世纪的作品了。一些重要的作品:Thomas Mofolo's [i[Chaka (Sotho),Tayeb Sali's Season of Migration to the
North (Arabic), Naguib Mafouz (Arabic), Cheikh Hamidou Kane's Ambiguous Adventure (French), Mariama Ba's So Long a
Letter (?), Ibrahim Tahir's The Last Imam (?, 1984), Daniel O. Fagunwa (Yoruba, 1938), Castro
Soromenho's Camaxilo (Portuguese, 1920s), Rene Maran'sBatouala (French, 1921), Chinua Achebe's Things Fall
Apart (English, 1958), Elechi Ahmadi's The Great Ponds (English, author is Igbo), Tgugi wa Thiong'o (Kikuyu), Sony Labou Tansi, Chimamanda Ngozi
Adichie'sHalf of a Yellow Sun, Ama Ata Aidoo, Amma Darko, Dinaw Mengestu's The Beautiful Things that Heaven Bears(English, author Ethiopian,
九十一、Robert Irwin, "Mamluk History and Historians," Arabic Literature in the Post-Classical Period,, 2006: 159-170.
此文论题与上面第六十三Donald Little的文章是一样的,但是写得更简洁,也没有对作品的不屑。查了Chase Robinson的Islamic Historiography的历史家年代表,发觉表上的关于13世纪之后伊斯兰西方人物此短文都有谈到。此时代就是史家多,但没有什么站在传统中心的人物。反而在外围的Ibn Athir,
Ibn Khaldun,或是历史人物辞典更被后世关注。
九十二、Michael Winter, "Historiography in Arabic during the Ottoman Period," Arabic Literature in the Post-Classical Period, 2006:
在Mamluk时期之后、奥托曼时代的阿拉伯语史学。特点是除了刚征服的时期有Mamluk时期最后的大师写史外,史学断了大约一世纪。在各个地区(埃及、叙利亚、伊拉克、也门)史学都是在十七世纪重新开始,十八世纪--也就是个地区开始实际自治的时候--才进入历史写作的高峰期。比较重要的史家有Muhammad ibn Abi'l-Surur al-Bakri al-Siddiqi (d.
1661), Ahmad Shalabi ibn 'Abd al-Ghan (1517-1737埃及史),Ibn Tulun(1475-1546,叙利亚),当然,在西方最著名的是写拿破仑入侵埃及的al-Jabarti(1754-1825/6)
九十三、Robert Irwin,"Al-Maqrizi and Ibn Khaldun, Historians of the Unseen," Mamluk Studies Review, 2003.
上面45楼说到关于Mamluk时代:“此时代就是史家多,但没有什么站在传统中心的人物。”在网上找了一下,发现关于这个时代芝加哥大学有一本学术年刊在网上可以下载。发现2003年的一期是以al-Maqrizi为主题,因此以为可能我上帖的意见需要修改。Robert Irwin此文是对Ibn
九十四、Sheldon Pollock,"Introduction," Forms of Knowledge in Early Modern Asia: Explorations in the Intellectual History of India and Tibet,
1500-1800, 2011.
九十五、Tarek Masoud,"Losing Egypt," The Arab Revolutions and American Policy, 2013: 86+.
九十六、Erkinov, Aftandil, "Poets and the meaning of poetry in contemporary Uzbek society," Anthropology of the Middle East
3.1 (2008):1+.
九十七、Fedrick, Yaffa. "The big question: is there a Global Canon?" World Policy Journal 27.3 (2010):3+
九十八、Buchsbaum,Julianne. "Academic libraries and the remaking of the canon: implications for collection development libraries."Library Philosophy and Practice (2009)
九十九、Gonzalez, Olivia Rodriguez. "Catalan and Galician Literatures in Iberian and European Contexts." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and
Culture 13.5 (2011)
一百、Classen, Albrecht. "Defining and teaching the Canon in German studies." The German Quarterly 84.1 (2011):1+
一百一、Wilczek, Piotr. "The Literary Canon and Translation: Polish culture as a case study." Sarmatian Review 32.3 (2012):1687+.
作者是波兰文学教授,谈到Harold Bloom的《西方正典》一書挑出來的6本波兰语的文学作品如何的令波兰人惊讶,带出小语种文学的的英语翻译和选集如何影响西方对作家和文本的态度。他写的角度与我在自己网站的博客写的比较类似。20世纪前的作家他提到的最主要的是文艺复兴诗人和Jan Kochanowski十九世纪的Adam
一百二、Schulte, Rainer. "The fallible canon: the struggle between omissions and additions." World Literature Today (2001): 81+.
是对《今天的世界文学》杂志挑出来的20世纪的“Top 40”列表的评论。有趣的看法。我的观点是作者太注重他心目中的作品的“普世性”("Universality"),因此有点过分强调文体与语言的创新,和存在主义的哲学渗透。
一百三、Ramanujan, A.K.K. "Some thoughts on 'non-Western'classics, with Indian examples." World Literature Today 68.2 (1994):331+
一百四、Warsaw Declaration "Toward a Community of Democracies" (2000)
一百五、Schmitter, Philippe C. and Karl, Terry Lynn. "What Democracy Is ... and Is Not." Journal of Democracy 2 (July 1991): 75-88
这两篇文章是Coursera上面由Larry Diamond (Stanford Hoover Institute)教的课的第一周的阅读。我没有听课,但想知道一下这方面的理论。初步感觉是基本的民主理论对主权国家、法律的合法性、政府作为一个组织的性质、政治领导继承制度的重视不够。
一百六、Bauer, Thomas. "In Search of 'Post-Classical Literature': A Review Article." Mamluk Studies Review Vol XI, no.2 (2007): 481+
Bauer对Cambridge History of Arabic Literature: Arabic Literature in the Post-Classical
一百七、Roberto Gonzalez Echevarria and Enrique Pupo-Walker. "General Preface." Cambridge History of Latin American Literature (1996):
一百八、Roberto Gonzalez Echevarria, Enrique Pupo-Walker and David Haberly. "Introduction to Volume 3." Cambridge History of Latin American
Literature Volume 3: Brazilian Literature(1996): 1+
一百九、Merquior, J.G. "The Brazilian and the Spanish American literary traditions: a contrastive view." Cambridge History of Latin American
Literature, Volume 3 (1996):363+
http://lawpark.jimdo.com/2013/05 ... ure-chlal-merquior/
http://lawpark.jimdo.com/2013/05 ...
一百一十、Joao Cezar de Castro Rocha, "Introduction: Machado de Assis, the Location of an Author" Portuguese Literature and Cultural Studies
13/14 (2006): xxiv.
http://web.archive.org/web/20080 ... plcs13_14_intro.pdf
在维基上找到的文章,关于巴西文学中的顶尖人物Machado de Assis如何“化落后为先进”。
一百十一、Alun Munslow. "Introduction." A History of History (2012)
一百十二、Aljunied, Syed Muhd Khairudin. "Sir THomas Stamford Raffles' discourse on the Malay World: a revisionist perspective." SOJOURN: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia 20.1
(2005): 1+
一百十三、GUO, Li. "Mamluk Histographic Studies: The State of the Art.' Mamluk Studies Review Vol I (1997).
一百十四、Catherin Volpilhac-Auger,"Voltaire and history."Cambridge Companion to Voltaire (2009):139+.
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