Harvard's Celtic Languages and Literatures

When it comes to European languages, the terminology is different - e.g. for this smallish Department - the name is now "Languages and Literatures" instead of "Studies."


First, courses on offered and levels:

Level Celtic Irish Scottish Gaelic Welsh Total
Primarily for UG 1       1
For UG and Grad 14 4 2 2 22
Primarily for Grad 1 4   4 9
Total 16 8 2 6 32


1. Celtic is general literary tradition - most often in English. For Irish / Scottish Gaelic / Welsh at UG and Grad level it is language, and then at Grad level it is ancient / medieval languages and literatures.


2. Compared to African Studies, this department is truly quite focused on Languages and Literatures, with only a couple of classes talking about the "history and culture" of the Gaelic world. 


3. There is no undergrad concentration, but a PhD degree in Celtic studies, for which the language requirements are: early Irish or early Welsh language, Latin, French or German.

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