Harvard's Germanic Languages and Literatures

This is a real department - and just like the "Celtic" one, this is also European in scope and named as "Languages and Literatures" rather than broader in designation.


Courses breakdown:

  No. of Courses Comments
German 38 Includes language and literature courses
Germanic Philology 1  
Germanic Studies 1  
Scandinavian Langauges 8 Includes Swedish (focus, also has cultural and literature components), Danish, Finnish and Norwegian 


Literature and Culture 

10 Includes a few courses about Old Norse / Vikings



1. To get a Ph.D. in this Department, the language requirement is simple: German and French. Plus if focus is on medieval period, then Latin is required.


2. For "German," 9 courses are languages, the the rest (29) are Literature. Names included in the course titles are: Goethe (3), Nietzsche (3), Kafka (2), Jelinek, Marx, Freud, Thomas Mann, Sebald.



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