一 - 二、Richard Delacy and Sudha Joshi, "Lesson 3: Introducing Kavita" Elementary Hindi 2009: 17-23 andElementary Hindi Workbook 2009:9-13.
三、Johnson Kent Wright, "History and Historicism," Cambridge History of Science Volume 7 The Modern Social
Fustel de Coulanges (1830-89), Jacob Burckhardt (1818-1897)和社会活动家Alexis de Tocqueville (1805-1859),马克思四位对历史学在20世纪的影响,并指出“大规模的历史规律总结”和“历史现象的唯一和不可重复性”之间的平衡之困难。
四 - 五、Peter Watson. "Preface," and "Introduction: An Evolution in the
Rules of Thought."The Modern Mind: An
Intellectual History of the 20th Century, 2000: xi-xiv,
六 - 七、Peter Watson. "Author's Note," and "Introduction: The Most
Important Ideas in History -- Some Candidates."Ideas: A History of Thought and Invention, from Fire to
Freud, 2005: xvii - xix, 1-11.
Collins的《哲学的社会学》是例外)方面并未形成大的气候(见http://lawpark.jimdo.com/2014/01 ... -future-directions/),因此,特意的找了一下这方面的资料。这位作者背景是Journalist,文章写的不错,可读性应该不差;此两书有点像参考书,因此,决定以后有机会才买一套书(因为有索引),而不能读电子书。
八、Peter Burke. "Introduction," A Social History of Knowledge II: From the Encyclopedie to
Wikipedia, 2012: 1-8
hope before long to produce a revised version of both volumes under the title From Gutenberg to Google,"让我想等一下再啃此套大著。
九、Immanuel Wallerstein, Randall Collins等。“Collective Introduction: 'The
Next Big Turn'"Does Capitalism Have a
Future?, 2013: 1-8
十一 -
十五、Peter Watson. "1. Disturbing the Peace." The Modern Mind: An Intellectual History of the 20th
Century, 2000: 11-25.
十六、Wellesley教授Guy MacLean Rogers在EDX教的《History229X:Was Alexander
Great?》的<Class 3: Ahuramazda's Plan>。主要想听听此课对波斯帝国是怎样交待的,由此可以知道课程的深度。结果另人失望。课就不用再上了。
问题是 - How much did you know about ancient Persia before you took this
course? Were courses on Persian history available in your school? Were you aware that the Achaemenid empire extended from Europe to the Indus River and even into central Asia? How much of the
general lack of attention paid to ancient Persia would you attribute to modern politics?
Persian Perspectives - Disappointed by Class 3's
I have read maybe 70% of Pierre Briant's tome (in English translation)
about a decade ago, and the first several chapters of Sherwin-White/Kuhrt's work on the Seleucid Empire called From Samarkhand to Sardis.
It was the first "world empire," but one of its problems (which extends
all the way down to the Parthians / Sassanians) were that even though it was clearly a victor, it did not write much histories, or at least not in the form of a continuous narratives that got
passed down as a canon (if one view Ferdowsi's Shahnama as just an mythic epic).
I am disappointed by the coverage of the Persian Empire in just the
segment 2 of Week 3, because the phrasing of the Persian's perspectives was purely ideological. And the basic facts we knew about the Persian Empire, for example, that it was Cyrus the Great that
freed the Jews from the Babylonian Exile - a fact that might be familiar / relevant to a "western" student audience, while also counter-balancing the view of "Persian arrogance" (implied in the
first segment) was not even brought up.
I am sampling the class - too disappointing to continue
十七、Peter Watson. "2. Half-way House." The Modern Mind: An Intellectual History of the 20th
Century, 2000: 26-38. 1900年前后的维也纳;胡赛尔出版两卷Logical Investigations。
十八、Peter Watson.
"3. Darwin's Heart of Darkness." The Modern Mind: An Intellectual History of the 20th Century , 2000:
39-51. 欧洲各国的社会达尔文主义直到Francis Galton的优生学;Theodor Herzl的犹太复国主义(Zionism);韦伯的《新教伦理与资本主义精神》;Joseph Conrad的《Heart of Darkness》。不直到原来Conrad是波兰人,大文豪Tadeusz是他的舅舅,并曾给他大量的财务上的资助。
十九、Peter Watson.
"4. Les Demoiselles de Moderrnisme" The Modern Mind: An
Intellectual History of the 20th Century, 2000: 52-72. 可以追溯到法国诗人Charles Baudelair的现代主义:本章谈的是音乐(Richard Strauss, Schoenberg)和艺术(Cezanne; Matisse/Fauvism;
Picasso/Cubism; Kandinsky/抽象派)。哲学家方面,Watson说在跨世纪的时刻有六个最重要的哲学家:尼采(1900年底去世;已经疯了很久);帕格森(Bergson,本章谈到其最重要的作品《L'Evolution creatrice》,1907);Benedetto Croce, Edmund Husserl, William
二十、Peter Watson.
"5. The Pragmatic Mind of America." The Modern Mind: An Intellectual History of the 20th Century, 2000:
73-89. 欧洲以外在1900年左右大学数目之少;哈佛校长Charles Eliot把哈佛从以本科教育为重的College转为德国式的研究大学;William James的《实用主义》与杜威的教育思想;哈佛商学院和商业管理科学化;纽约和芝加哥的摩天大厦;Wright兄弟成功发明飞机;表现低下移民阶层生活情况的Ashcan
二十一、Peter Watson.
"6. E=mc2,⊃/≡/v+C7H38O43." The Modern Mind: An Intellectual History of the 20th Century, 2000: 90-107.
(新西兰人)卢瑟福和原子结构(1911年公布);爱恩斯坦1905年的三篇论文;Baekeland于1907年人工合成塑料;罗素和怀特海写成三册《数学原理》(1910-13);荷尔蒙的发现(此词出现于1905年);Paul Ehrlich和他的日本助手Dr. Sachachiro
二十二、Peter Watson.
"7. Ladders of Blood." The Modern Mind: An Intellectual History of the 20th Century, 2000: 108-125. W.E.B. Du
Bois的《Souls of Black Folk》(1903)与在白人activists发起的NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People); 优生学与T.H.Morgan使用果蝇实验并以基因概念解析孟德尔遗传学;人类学家Franz Boas的《The Mind of Primitive
Man》(1910);Hiram Bingham在祕鲁发现印加遗址Machu Picchu;Alfred Wegener的大陆漂移理论。
二十三、Peter Watson.
"8. Volcano." The Modern Mind: An Intellectual History of the 20th Century, 2000: 126-143.
特殊的1913年,此章开始和结束都引用Robert Frost此年出版的诗集《A Boy's Will》。在这一年:纽约的Armory Show把巴黎的现代艺术带到美国;Guillaume Apollinaire对Cubism的艺术批评著作合其现代艺术诗《Alcools》;芭蕾舞《The Rite of
Spring》(Stravinsky配曲)上演;爱恩斯坦的广义相对论和波尔的固定电子能态理论;心理分析进入文学领域:Thomas Mann的《Death in Venice》、D.H. Lawrence的《Sons and Lovers》和Marcel Proust《In Search of Lost
Time》第一卷;心理分析进入集体领域并分裂为二:荣格开始脱离心理分析作为科学的《Psychology of the Unconscious》和佛洛伊德被证误的《Totem and Taboo》。
二十四、Peter Watson.
"9. Counter-Attack." The Modern Mind: An Intellectual History of the 20th Century, 2000:144-168.
欧战的直接影响:整容手术和输血;智商和智力测试;心理治疗。战时英语诗人Rupert Brooke, Robert Graves, 和最重要的Wilfred Owen。维特根斯坦的《Tactatus
二十五、Sarah Foot and
Chase F. Robinson, “Editors' Introduction." The Oxford History of Historical Writing, Volume 2: 400-1400,
2012: 1-8.
此导论比较简单。几点:“The spread of technology was culturally mediated." 如文字的使用;纸张或其他文字载体的使用。“Ethnogenesis is a political-cultural process."
二十六、Daud Ali,
“Indian Historical Writing, c.600-1400." The Oxford History of Historical Writing, Volume 2: 400-1400, 2012:
80-101. 在这段时间,除了斯里兰卡佛教史外,Puranas, Harsacarita, 和一本Kavirahasya外,其他印度教或耆那教的历史类著作都与伊斯兰教影响下的历史著作并行。另,在这段时间写最多历史类作品的,是文豪Amir Khusrau。摘录了比较详细的笔记,有兴趣可看:http://lawpark.jimdo.com/2014/02
... iting-c-600-c-1400/
二十七、Peter Watson.
"10. Eclipse." The Modern Mind: An Intellectual History of the 20th Century, 2000:171-185.
Spengler的《西方的没落》与他的德国民族主义;凡尔赛和约,凯恩斯的反对书《The Economic Consequences of the Peace》与威尔逊推动的League of Nations;五四运动与鲁迅的《狂人日记》;Lukacs在Budapest以犹太人为主的Sunday
二十八、John K.
Whitmore, "Kingship, Time, Space: Historiography in Southeast Asia." The Oxford History of History Writing, Volume 2: 400-1400, 2012: 102-118. 关于东南亚的早期史学。读了才知道越南到14世纪的史学原来受汉传佛教影响比较深,甚至有基于本土的禅宗竹林宗正统而发展出来的史学著作(如《粤甸幽灵集》)。更详细的笔记请看:
http://lawpark.jimdo.com/2014/02 ... -in-southeast-asia/
二十九、Peter Watson.
"11. The Acquisitive Wasteland." The Modern Mind: An Intellectual History of the 20th Century, 2000:186-205.
社会评论家和历史学家R.H. Tawney的《The Acquisitive Society》(1921)和《Religion and the Rise of Capitalism》(1926)。1920年代初文坛的辉煌来自于一战后旧世界的破灭:T.S. Eliot的诗《The Waste Land》(1922);意大利剧作家Luigi Pirandello的《Six
Characters in Search of an Author》(1921)和《Henry IV》(1922);维也纳的Karl Kraus的长剧《The Last Days of Mankind》(1922);James Joyce的《Ulysses》(1922);W.B. Yeats的“第三时期”(1914-1928)的诗集(《The Wild Swans at
Coole》(1919),《Michael Robartes and the Dancer》(1921), 《The Tower》(1928));F. Scott Fitzgerald的小说《The Great Gatsby》(1926);Proust的《In Search of Lost Time》第二到第九卷(1919-1922);Andre Gide的《The
Counterfeiters》;Virginia Woolf的《Jacob's Room》;超现实主义的作家群(如Andre Breton), 和画家群(Max Ernst, Giorgio de Chirico, Joan Miro, Salvador Dali, Rene Magritte)。此章写的有点过长,尤其没有必要把《The Great
三十、Chase F.
Robinson, "Islamic Historical Writing, Eighth through the Tenth Centuries." The Oxford History of History Writing, Volume 2:
400-1400, 2012: 238-266. 主要论点是早期的伊斯兰史并非如传统所希望表达的那么基础坚固,主要原因是伊斯兰传统主义的形成在八世纪而非在七世纪。此文对我思考现代历史学的偏见很有帮助(因为此文的偏见很明确!)。更详细的笔记请看:http://lawpark.jimdo.com/2014/03 ... he-tenth-centuries/
三十一、Peter Watson.
"12. Babbitt's Middletown." The Modern Mind: An Intellectual History of the 20th Century, 2000:206-220.
这一章从"High Culture"转到主要在1920年代在美国发轫的中级知识分子媒体文化"Middlebrow":美国的种族主义和反智主义;Sinclair Lewis的《Babbitt》(1922)对美国中等城市生活的写照;美国的《读者文摘》、《时代》杂志和Book-of-the-Month Club;Robert and Helen
Lynd的关于美国中等城市生活的社会学报告《Middletown》;Harlem Renaissance; 《New Yorker》杂志;最后是英国收音机的普及和BBC的初创。
三十二、元稹《鶯鶯傳》。网路课程ChinaX 3要求的阅读。以前从没读过;有趣的小故事!
三十三 - 三十四、HEC Paris的Alberto Alemanno教授的Coursera网路课《Understanding Europe: Why It Matters and What It Can Offer
三十五、Peter Watson.
"13. Heroes' Twilight." The Modern Mind: An Intellectual History of the 20th Century,
2000:221-244.这一章讲德国魏玛共和国尤其是柏林的文化史:艺术电影《The Cabinet of Dr Caligari》(1920);艺术家群体Novembergruppe和爱使用玻璃作为建材的Bauhaus建筑设计机构;法兰克福学派:异化、佛洛伊德主义与马克思主义的统一、跨领域研究社会演化的“批判理论”方法;围绕Stefan
George的作家群体Kreis和Rilke的诗(Five Cantos/August 1914, Duino Elegies (1923));Thomas Mann的小说《The Magic Mountain》(1924);作曲家Schoenberg和Alban Berg;Brecht和Weill合作的歌剧《The Threepenny Opera》和《Rise and Fall of
the City of Mahagonny》;海德格尔的《Being and Time》(1927);Lukacs的《History and Class Consciousness》(1923出版);以Moritz Schlick为中心人物的Vienna Circle(包括Neurath, Carnap, Godel, Popper)和他们的逻辑实证主义;Robert
Musil的三卷本小说《The Man Without Qualities》(卷一于1930年出版,1942年去世);Kafka的《Metamorphosis》(1916)和在他1925年去世一两年内出版的《The Trial》和《The Castle》;希特勒在狱中开始写《Mein Kampf》。
三十八、Peter Watson.
"14. The Evolution of Evolution." The Modern Mind: An Intellectual History of the 20th Century, 2000:245-255. 这一章主要是讲1920年代对人类远古历史追溯的进展:Bury的《The Idea
of Progress》(1920);对古埃及Tutankhamen王陵、Sumerian和Ugarit的考古发现;年轮年代学的开始;Butterfield的《The Whig Interpretation of History》。
四十、歐陽斌。“余英時:中國轉一個身非常困難。”紐約時報中文網, 2014年03月14日。 http://cn.nytimes.com/china/20140314/cc14yuyingshi/zh-hant/
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