Suggested English Versions

Note: These are only suggestions of books that incorporates at least a portion of the texts in the World Canon List, or related texts by the same author. I generated these suggestions partially through simple Amazon / Google searches, and partially on what I happen to own. For many versions included below I have not read personally. If you have suggestions for better versions, please leave the information in the Guestbook. Thanks! 

No. Titles in World
Canon List

Titles of Suggested Versions
(with external links)

1 Rig Veda The Rig Veda 
2 Iliad The Iliad of Homer
3 Samyutta Nikaya The Connected Discourses of the Buddha
4 Histories The Landmark Herodotus
5 Republic Plato Complete Works
6 Metaphysics Complete Works of Aristotle (Vol 2)
7 Mahabharata The Mahabharata 
8 Records of the Grand Historian

Records of the Grand Historian

Qin Dynasty

Han Dynasty I

Han Dynasty II

9 Aeneid The Aeneid of Virgil 
10 Bible The New Oxford Annotated Bible with Apocrypha: NRSV
11 Laws of Manu The Law Code of Manu 
12 Mulamadhyamakakarika Ocean of Reasoning
13 Works

The Classic of Changes

The Classic of Way and Virtue

A Chinese Reading of the Daodejing

14 Church History Eusebius: The Church History 
15 The Trinity The Trinity
16 The Recognition of Shakuntala The Recognition of Shakuntala

Commentaries on

Vimalakirti Sutra

The Vimalakirti Sutra

Stopping and Seeing

18 Quran The Quran
19 Correct Meanings of Mao Odes The Book of Songs 
20 Records of Western Regions The Great Tang Dynasty Record of the Western Regions
21 Sub-commentary on Zuangzi Zhuangzi 
22 Brahmasutrabhasya Brahma Sutra Bhasya
23 Three Hundred Tang Poems  Three Hundred Tang Poems
24 History of Prophets and Kings  al-Tabari 
25 Transmission of Lamp  Original Teachings of Ch'an Buddhism Selected from The Transmission of the Lamp
26  Shanameh  The Shanameh
27  al-Shifa The Metaphysics of The Healing
28  Comprehensive Mirror to Aid in Government 

Wars wtih the Xiongnu

Emperor Huan and Emperor Ling

To Establish Peace 

29  Revival of Religious Sciences 

Revival of Religious Sciences

(site with downloads)

30  Works  Selected Poems of Su Tung-P'o
31  Commentary on Four Books  The Four Books
32  Commedia  The Divine Comedy
33  Hamlet  William Shakespeare Complete Works 
34  The Story of the Stone 

The Golden Days

The Crab-Flower Club

The Warning Voice

35  Critique of Pure Reason  Critique of Pure Reason
36  Das Kapital 

Capital: Vol 1

Capital: Vol 2

Capital: Vol 3